Information about Skiing, Walking, Outdoor Adventure
Did you enjoy discovering the power of Nature? The whole of the Jungfrau Region is a paradise for explorers of the wonders of Nature. And one of the fun things is when it is not so crowded. The thrilling Rosenlaui Schlucht, which means Gorge, is like an unknown gem. It is rarely crowded and you are mostly the only ones there enjoying the surprises around each corner. Looking down into the ever-changing gorge that forces the river to twist and turn. The ancient glacial actions have created extraordinary rock sculptures for the waters to pour over and swirl through. It was a total surprise to walk about an hour through the fenced and paved walkway with some steep steps and cave like parts to pass through and feel like Indiana Jones wondering to where the passage would lead. As part of the UNESCO World Heritage Jungfrau-Aletsch, you will agree that it needs to be preserved. There are some numbered plates along the path that leads along the gorge from the forest. These numbers refer to formations that the gushing glacial river has carved, such as an elephant's head to the right of the main waterfall. You can find your own if you can concentrate above the often-roaring water and your heartbeat! Such a magnificent piece of nature it is a little sad to leave. There are so me picnic tables as you come out so you can linger in this magic place. Sometimes there is access given to the walking track leading higher up behind the gorge. Otherwise the stroll down through the forest and along another stream is a chillout time with some lovely views and places to peek over the fence into the racing gorge from above. The 10 sFr entry is excellent value for such a powerful experience. Although we walked down from Grosse Scheidegg, one can also drive to the Gorge from Meiringen along a twisty Alpine road, or catch the bus so you can admire the waterfalls and river along the way. There is a Café at the Gorge with a balcony in the sun and of course a view to enjoy. Comments are closed.
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Where dreams begin for outdoor adventures in the inspiring Jungfrau region Categories
January 2025